Advantages of Applinked Custom Stores

Advantages of Applinked Custom Stores

Applinked is the biggest App sharing platform available for smart TVs. Support almost all Android-based TVs including Google TV, Nvidia Shield TV, Mi BOX, Fire TVs, Chromecast, SkyStream devices, etc. There is no need to search the web or use your mobile device to side-load apps and games to your TV. Just use the Applinked code to access stores full of movies, TV shows, sports, news, utilities, etc. for TVs. Not only that, anyone can create a free store on Applinked to store files for free.

Below are some of the advantages of creating a custom store instead of accessing public stores on Applinked.

Advantages of Applinked Custom Stores

There are many advantages of having a custom-made app store. Below are some of the standout advantages.

Keep favorite apps and games in one place

Everyone has a set of apps and utilities that are frequently used. But most of those favorites are not available on Google Play Store. This is because Play Store for TV does not offer many streaming apps and utilities like CartoonHD, Appflix, etc. Therefore, we have to download and install those apps from different sources which is a time-consuming process.

With Applinked stores, you can store all your favorite apps in one place. Access your list using a smart TV with a simple code. No need to enter web addresses, Google search to find apps you want to install. Keep your apps in one place.

TV box setup made easy

Think if you have a list of streaming apps that need to be installed on your new TV stick. Setting up a new Android TV device with the required set of apps takes time. Because you have to browse and find apps not available on Google Play Store.

With Applinked custom stores, you can quickly set up your TV box. First storing all your favorite apps, utilities, games, etc. in Applinked. Whenever you want to factory reset and restore your TV box use Applinked. Enter the Applinked code for your store and quickly install the apps you want.


It is hard to share any apps or utilities with friends, especially for smart TVs. Unlike smartphones, TVs do not come with messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc., or mailing apps. There is no use in installing mailing apps or messaging apps on TVs. Because TVs are mainly used for streaming, watching movies, TV shows, etc. Sending app names requires lots of effort to find and install on Android TV. Sometimes your friend won’t be able to install the correct app.

With Applinked you can share not only one but a collection of apps and files with friends. You can share your app store with others by sharing Applinked code. Sharing is made easy with Applinked custom stores.


Most of the time, you have to explicitly trust apps added by someone. Instead of trusting the person who uploaded it, create your store with your apps and files. Add genuine apps and files from trusted sources to your store to improve safety and security.


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