Below shows list of Android TV app stores that allows you to install Movies, TV shows, Web Series, Sports, Streaming and other apps easily on your Android TV BOX and Fire TV devices. Select your favorite TV app store from the below list.
Below shows best TV box app stores you can install for free. Support all most all Android TV boxes including Nvidia Shield TV, Shield TV pro, Mi BOX, Mi BOX S, SkyStream, H96 MAX, Google TV, Chromecast, Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Stick 4K, fire TV Stick Lite and all.
AppLinked is like FileLinked. Where anyone can create their own store full of images, apps, movies, music and etc. There are many public AppLinked stores full of Movies, TV shows, Web Series and Sports apps. This store also offers list of streaming apps. No need to use AppLinked code to access AppLinked official public store. You will many many apps and games on that store.
This is the most featureful, nicest and advanced FileLinked alternative. Contain different approach to distribute TV box Movies, TV shows and other apps. Need FileSynced codes to access FileSynced stores. Here you can find all trending FileSynced codes inside the app itself. No need to search Google and Social media sites for TV codes.
Interface of this application is not as nice as others. However, this app store uses different interface that many of you may like due to its simplicity. In order to access UnLinked Store, first you have to save that code. Then you can view all apps and games. Apps are scroll horizontally as compared to others that apps scroll vertically. Your recently access store and apps are always shown on home screen. No need to enter same UnLinked code every time to visit that store.
If you want something unique or app store that is not managed by whole lot of Android TV users all over the world like AppLinked, FileSynced and UnLinked. APKTime offers all most all popular streaming applications for TV. Instead of having many stores inside one application, APKTime has only one and it is managed by APKTime itself.
Aptoide TV
Aptoide TV is the best TV app store that can replace Play Store TV. If your TV box does not come with Play Store, use Aptoide TV. Aptoide TV does not contain those free Movies, TV shows, Sports and other streaming apps like on AppLinked, FileSynced and etc. Instead it has all Play Store TV apps and games for free. You can also install apps and games that are only available for phones, different regions and etc.