Live wallpapers for Android TV boxes and Amazon Fire TV devices. We all like to have a beautiful wallpaper for our Android TV. We also like to change the wallpaper from time to time. If anyone likes to have a wallpaper that surely helpful for you then here is the best option for you. That is the Awesome weather YoWindow + live weather wallpaper app.
This is a nice weather app which you can use as a live wallpaper in your Android TV BOX. You cannot apply this to home screen where all your apps and other tools available. You can run live wallpaper on full screen as a hibernation mode. Most of the users all over the world give their maximum credits to this nice app. When engaging in every day works, behavior of the weather is a major factor that we should concern. So, most of us are having a weather app with us in our Android. I also had different weather apps with me. But when I found about this YoWindow Live Weather Wallpaper app I really got amaze. Because it is an app with nice concept that I haven’t found with the other apps.
Features of Live Wallpaper Weather TV app
The most loving feature of the app is it changes its wallpaper layout according to surrounding weather condition. Imagine it is raining outside. Then there is a rain in your live wallpaper also. If it is snowy outside, then there is snow on the wallpaper also. So nice. I am sure that you will also love this wonderful concept a lot.
This resembles the real world. When the sunrises for real the sun rises in the app also. When the sun sets in the real world the sun sets in the app also. It visualizes the correct phase of the moon also in the app.
You can know about the weather condition of the whole day by scrolling left and right. Hence, makes it very convenient to manage your day today activities.
All the landscapes of the world are very fantastic. You will be pleased whenever you see the live wallpaper of the app. There you can see each and every component of the nature in a nice manner. You can see birds, rivers, cars, people, mountains, airplanes and so on through the app.
Here you can see the chance of rain, temperature (feel like), wind direction, temperatures of the water like every needed weather parameter here. The weather data showing in the app is very accurate. All the weather data are taken from trusted sources. You can have all the weather data according to your location. No matter what your location is you can have the correct weather parameters.
Download Live Wallpaper TV app
You can download this app for any Android TV box including Nvidia Shield TV, Shield TV pro, Mi BOX S, Mi TV Stick, SkyStream, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Fire TV Stick 4K, Fire TV Stick Lite and Fire TV Cube. You can use Google Play Store on your Android TV box to easily install this app. Use Amazon App store for all Amazon Fire TV devices. For devices without Amazon App store and Play Store can use Aptoide TV or Filelinked. Below shows how to install this app on TV box using Play Store.
First open Google play store application

Now go to search area and type “Awesome weather”. You will see this application appears on search results like below picture. Select it.

Now select “Install” to begin installation. That’s all.