Scan for Viruses/Malware Before Downloading Apps and Games from Filelinked

Do you know that there are lots of popular and emerging Filelinked stores that offer awesome Android apps and Games for free. How to trust those apps and games are safe and free of viruses and malware. Is there any easy way to scan before downloading those files or Apps. This feature is new and you can try out for free. This virus scanning feature is completely free and has most advanced virus scanning engines built in to it.

Download and install Filelinked apps and Games safely.

Filelinked now offers Virus Scanning Android app called VirusTotal. This app can work with Filelinked and has many useful features built in to Filelinked app with VirusTotal. Still you don’t have that feature since you have installed latest version of Filelinked app then download Filelinked Beta version. Later this feature will be added to stable Filelinked version.

How Virus Scanning Work with Filelinked App

Step 1: Download and Install VirusTotal app.

You can download VirusTotal app using this FileLinked code: 11111111

Filelinked code for Virus Total: 11111111

virustotal filelinked app

If not click here to direct download latest version of VirusTotal apk.

Step 2: Scanning Filelinked Files / Apps with VirusTotal

Now open your Filelinked app. You can see new icon near download button like below.

click to scan before downloading filelinked

Don’t worry if you can’t see that new icon. It mean that this feature isn’t added to stable version yet. You can still try that feature using the beta version  of the filelinked app. Click here to download beta version of Filelinked. Beta Filelinked Apk.

Step 3: Check Virus Scan report

virus total scan report

This Virus Scan uses 67 Virus Scan engines to detect that file or app is malicious or not. According to above report 67 virus engines suggest that file is safe. Since no one find any virus in that app. Normally to get scan report you may need to submit that app and it will take some time to get the report. Once some one submit request you wan’t need to resubmit again. Because that report will be available for everyone.

Below shows app that is not scanned by VirusTotal and you can send request to scan for viruses. Once report is back, result will be available for everyone.

send to scan virustotal

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